Made up another big repair panel for my door. Hoping to get the frame finished this weekend.
Final repair for the door card style line and curved corner section welded in. Started making up a template for the previously badly repaired door bottom.
Some further progress over the bank holiday weekend. Corner seal channel repair welded in (I’ve made the curved bit, just need to weld that in this week).

Fabricated 3 repair sections for the door card style line, and got 2 of them welded in; just a few pin holes to weld up.

Made a start on the O/S cab door this week. It’s in slightly better condition than the other side, apart from the bottom which is in a terrible state:

Schofields repair cut down and clamped in while I repair the brace bars:

Both bars repaired:

And made a start on the repair for the wing mirror bar:

After many, many, many hours I’ve finished the welding on the bottom of the inner frame for the N/S cab door.
I had this final gap to fill where the frame curves round to join the door skin:

Quite a fiddly bit to make, I ended up doing it in a few bits, but the end result looks fine and the skin fits well around it:

Then finally a thorough cleanup with Strip & Clean discs and wire wheels, and a coat of zinc primer. Much better!

I’ve not ground the welds down on the inside as it’ll be hidden when the skin is on, but i’ll put some seam sealer on them before I fit the skins. The outside will need a skim of filler along the bottom when I get round to the shaping stage.
Not bad considering it looked like this before:

Now to start the other side!
Folded up another repair for the bottom of the door tonight. Cleaned up and etched the wing mirror brace bar.
More door repairs this morning and out for lunch at the old thatch. Just the bottom corner left to do which will be fun.

RAY LEY Restorations
United Kingdom
07584 629 649