I’ve been burning the midnight oil over the last couple of nights getting the last few bits of the chassis complete as I really wanted to get it done this year so I could take two weeks off over christmas (the first time for probably 12 months).

I didn’t manage to get many pictures of all the bits I completed as I didn’t have time, so I did a short video as well.

N/S wheel tub repaired:

Remainder of the C pillar repaired including the strengthener, and then the panel joining the rear arch to the floor (I did the other side too). In addition to this I also welded shut the three holes that the Brazilian floors come with for heating (no pics).

And the finished result, it’s been a long slog but it’s been well worth it and I’m over the moon with what I’ve achieved. I’ll be on to the front end at the beginning of January as I have a week off to work on it.

And the rest of it:

A bit further tonight. Welds on outer sill dressed and coated. Mostly welded in the final closing piece for the C pillar.

Outer sill clamped and welded in. Today was a good day. 

Another Epoxy Mastic session tonight to get the middle sill coated ready for the outer sill to go on tomorrow. I did the inside of the rear arches and a few other bits to justify getting the spray gear out.


Finished up the main part of the C pillar tonight (I’ve also tacked in the repair for the section that sits under the sliding door seal channel but forgot to take a pic). 

A good Sunday evening job giving the dash instruments a clean up.