Oh arse! Went digging in into some filler I found on the bonnet seal channel and discovered it’s completely rotten. The O/S might be salvageable if I clean it up a bit more, but the N/S needs chopping out. I’ll make up some repairs in small sections so I don’t loose the shape of the channel. First repair welded in today.

O/S boot now made of solid metal instead of rust and holes.

O/S rear wheel arch repair all welded in tonight. Hoping to get this side all finished up this week.

Finished up the N/S boot repair tonight and chopped out the O/S chassis mount strengthener and boot rot ready to start repairing them.

N/S Boot repair prepped and part welded in today. Pretty toasty in my welding gear in this heat!

N/S chassis mount strengthener removed to see if I could salvage any of the metal underneath. It was all rotten so chopped it all out as well as the edge of the boot panel:

Decided to separate the repair panel so I can get some paint protection between the two panels:

and have welded in the repair panel for the wheel arch:

**Ray Ley Products!**

I’ve been saying for some time now that I’d start making a few of the bits that went into Iris available for others to buy.

So here we have the first; curtain tie backs.

A pack of 8, made in black vinyl with a silver press stud measuring 10” x 1.5”. A nice contrast to a pair of bright curtains.

£27 including p&p.

Drop me a message if you’re interested in a set. I’ll be able to do other colours too if there’s interest.