Managed to trial fit the outer skin tonight as I wasn’t convinced the inner was in the right position (it was!). Lots to finish before it goes on though.
This week seems to have rocketed past but I’ve made some good progress. Before I start taking apart the lower section of the front end (Deformation panel and inner valance) I wanted to get some strength back into the top section by replacing the inner windscreen panel.
With it chopped out the front end looks pretty bare:

I then set to work repairing the surrounding metalwork that the panel attaches to. The section on the O/S A pillar is fine (ignoring the rotten lip which I’ll repair when I get onto prepping for the front panel itself):

The N/S A pillar however needed some work. A small patch here:

And a larger section here which I ended up doing in three parts (I need to finish the middle section):

The airbox needed a few patches, but on the whole was in pretty good shape:

The panels from the old inner windscreen that the dashboard attach to were in good nick so I cleaned them up and gave them a coat of etch alongside the new inner windscreen panel:

Once I’ve finished closing up the final hole on the N/S A pillar I’ll be able to get the panel welded in next week, a quick trail fit suggests it shouldn’t be too tricky to fit:

I also welded the captive nuts to the deformation panel that the front bumper mounts to (the Brazilian bumpers mount differently so the panel needs modifying):

Start of a new year and start of the next chunk of work on the bus. Front clip cut off so I can start repairing what lies beneath. I’ve got this week off to try and get a jog on.
I’ve been burning the midnight oil over the last couple of nights getting the last few bits of the chassis complete as I really wanted to get it done this year so I could take two weeks off over christmas (the first time for probably 12 months).
I didn’t manage to get many pictures of all the bits I completed as I didn’t have time, so I did a short video as well.
N/S wheel tub repaired:

Remainder of the C pillar repaired including the strengthener, and then the panel joining the rear arch to the floor (I did the other side too). In addition to this I also welded shut the three holes that the Brazilian floors come with for heating (no pics).

And the finished result, it’s been a long slog but it’s been well worth it and I’m over the moon with what I’ve achieved. I’ll be on to the front end at the beginning of January as I have a week off to work on it.

And the rest of it:
A bit further tonight. Welds on outer sill dressed and coated. Mostly welded in the final closing piece for the C pillar.
Another Epoxy Mastic session tonight to get the middle sill coated ready for the outer sill to go on tomorrow. I did the inside of the rear arches and a few other bits to justify getting the spray gear out.
I’ve made a good start on the C pilar prep, starting with cutting the outer arch off; I need to repair the bottom of the sliding door seal channel and need to trial fit the new outer arch to make sure it fits properly.
The inner arch isn’t in too bad condition, with the majority of the lip looking to be usable, I’ll just need to repair the ends of it:

The rear corner however has an impressive amount of filler and fibreglass in it!

I spent a good few hours trimming the new outer arch to the correct size to get a really good fit (the channel needs more work though):

Lines up with the door pretty well:

And looks bang on to me:

I’ve started fabricating repairs for the inner part of the C pillar:

And the strengthening plate that covers the C pillar (the new one, template and old one):

I’m aiming to get the C pillar finished this week.

RAY LEY Restorations
United Kingdom
07584 629 649