More lights installed in Iris. Super bright in there now.

A small table made up for Iris. Max came out to do some watercolour while I made a start on the rear cubbies.
A little further on the van electrics over the past few weeks.
Leisure battery installed and Ctek battery to battery / solar charger installed. Only the b2b component is currently wired up:
Fusebox hidden away in the redundant spare wheel well:
And I’ve started running wires down to the components. Thus far I’ve done the fridge, propex, 2 of 4 strip lamps and the usb charger:
Sneaky peak of my late night activities sorting the electrics in the van. Only one light installed so far, more brightness to come!
The leisure electric gadgets for the van have arrived! Time to get the living area wired up.
The shorter evenings have meant the front cabinet and under bed panel have taken quite some time, with only a few hours of good light.
The cabinet carcass all cut and assembled:
Max helping me out with the iron on trim:
Shaping the top surface:
And all installed in the van along with the bed kick panel:
The last time we had cabinets in Iris was about 7 years ago when we first bought her.
We’ve been busy making a start on the cabinets for Iris.
First up the rear head locker. I thought it’d be an easy one to start with but it ended up being a bit of pig, needing lots of trial fitting and templating to fit nicely.
I’m working out of the garage to save me the trip to the workshop:
With lots of help from Max:
The skeleton put together:
Door on:
All installed now and looking pretty good:
I also made this year’s must have accessory; an Orla Kiely lined spare cable pouch for my clutch, accelerator and brake cable spares:
I’ve got this tucked behind the passenger seat now, much neater:
Our Orla Kiely fabric arrived last week so I’ve been busy making curtains for the van. I didn’t get any progress pictures but they’re double faced with black out material in the middle.
All 8 made up:
And hung in the van:
Making a super cosy area to sleep in when they’re shut:
I’ve a fair bit of material left over from the bits I’ve been making so I found a few further bits to make.
The sun visors weren’t in the best of shape as the foam had lost all of their sponginess so I made some new ones.Old covers used as patterns to make new pieces:
The metal frame from the old ones was then removed. You can see how battered the foam was from where the frame was tearing through:
And new foam cut out from some scrim I had left over:
Once sewn up and put together I think they look pretty nice, just need a few new clips for them: