Here she is in full colour! To say I’m chuffed would be an understatement. All of that hard work has finally paid off.
After 3 years of cutting, grinding, welding, sanding, painting and various other skills I’ve never done before the van is finally in her final coat of paint! I’ve gone far beyond what I originally planned to do but hopefully the results speak for themselves. To say I’m pleased would be an understatement. We’re a way off being on the road but this was a huge step for us.
I don’t think I’ve ever worked so hard over 4 days, and pulled 2 14 hour days, a 13 and a 12 to get it done. I’ll upload some progress pictures later. And rest.
Keeping up the momentum. Cab door inner bottoms into Neptune blue. Glad I stuck with the original colour. Four days off now to paint everything else. See you on the other side
Door inners into pastel white tonight! Pretty sure the inners now look better than the outers did before I started.
And started wet sanding the rear of the van down.

A huge milestone this week. The final panel into epoxy! By far the worst panel on the van to do. Onto priming the interior next week.
The past week I’ve been focusing on the N/S rear quarter.
First off back to bare metal to see what we’ve got. There’s a bit of a dent towards the back of the panel but on the whole it’s not too bad.

I found a few sections around the sliding door seal channel which needed fresh metal letting in, so I made up some repairs in my folder:

Followed by days and days of filler work (must be close to 20hrs to get to this point, even though it doesn’t look like much!):

And finally today I got it all epoxied. I’m really happy with this panel!

I also re painted the bottom of the corner, having reshaped the area where the battery tray welds were visible:

Onto the O/S rear quarter this week, the final panel!
Stripped the O/S panel tonight. Aside from a deep dent on the left that needs hammering out it’s pretty straight.
Front arches, B pillars and door surrounds into epoxy today. I also re-epoxied the sliding door after correcting some highs and lows with fine filler.

RAY LEY Restorations
United Kingdom
07584 629 649