A good test of my fabrication skills and a chance to use my new sheet metal machine recreating the corner section of the cab doors.
I made it in two parts. The section that forms the seal channel starts life as a sheet of steel:

After a bit of folding the piece turns into this:

Trimmed down and a curve cut into it for the second repair panel to attach to I then tacked it to the door (I trial fitted the door skin to make sure the repair fits correctly):

The second repair is formed by rolling a sheet of metal into a curve with a slight lip on it to follow the style lines of the door:

And then trimming it down to fit:

I’ve painted the inside of the repairs and will get it all welded in tomorrow. It’s a lot of work to get this to fit right but hopefully worth it (I screwed up my first attempt as it wasn’t a right angle, and then my second attempt was the wrong way round but I can at least use that on the other door).