
My phony Koni steering damper to match the new shocks, complete with Koni decals.

Under strict supervision tonight sanding all the running gear ready for topcoat. Got the torsion bars and steering damper painted too.

Last of the running gear epoxied tonight. Hoping to have it all top coated for the weekend so I can finally start bolting bits back on.

Also got some bits back from the powder coaters; the brake backing plates and all 5 wheels. Shiny shiny! 

Poole got another good coating of snow this morning. Not enough to stop me getting down to the workshop though in our crappy little Fiesta.

I’ve been putting off repairing the wheel arch on our Fiesta for some months now; I hit a column in a car park which dislodged a chunk of filler that someone plastered over some rot. It’s off for an MOT tomorrow so I couldn’t really put it off anymore. Pretty cold repairing this outside, Before:

And after. I didn’t want to spend long repairing this as I’m not planning on keeping this car for a huge amount of time, so it was very much a ‘fill a hole’ repair, which should do for now:

The ducks were back to keep me company in the cold:

I finished cleaning up the front beam so Zinc primed it, along with some of the brake components (Paracord is perfect for hanging bits to be sprayed on):

New Cali import front beam picked up from Simon at NOSVW just down the road from me. It’s amazingly solid compared to the old one:


He has some lovely buses down there including this little gem:


I’ve started stripping it, nice to see shiny solid metal:


Aiming to get this and the remaining running gear bits epoxied at the weekend, then top coated next week ready to bolt back on. I’ve also started cleaning up some of the brake components for paint:


Front beam is knackered so hoping to pick up a decent Cali import tomorrow to replace it.

A spot of Neptune Blue for Iris’ underside today!!! To say I’m happy would be an understatement. 

She’s now ready to start taking off the rollover jig and back onto some wheels.

Wheel arches all prepped and masked off. Out with the underseal gun and tinted raptor stonechip, and the wheel arches finally coated with 2 coats of raptor!!

Underside now all seam sealed. Possibly a bit thick in places but better than not having enough. Next to prep the wheel arches for 2 coats of tinted raptor stonechip for extra protection.

Started gathering all the components I’ll need to get Iris back on her wheels soon so treated her to a full set of Koni Shocks. Fully adjustable and with a lifetime warranty, they should be the only shocks I’ll ever need. Plus they look the balls.