For those that are interested here are some further pics of all the paint work from my long weekend.
Van inner all masked up, cargo area and cab upper painted in pastel white:
Van pushed out into the yard to make room for the doors, to spray the uppers. My first attempts with basecoat/clearcoat (Lechlar bsb and macrofan respectively). I’m not sure what all the fuss is about with basecoat/clearcoat being trickier than solid 2K? Yes it requires a bit more time but it’s not really any more difficult.
Soo shiny!
Unmasked everything from yesterday. Starting to take shape.
Masked up the cab for some blue, painted and pushed out into the yard to make room for the doors:
Out with the doors to paint the lowers in blue. Masking up the dividing line was a bit of a faff, taking multiple attempts to get a clean line but finally all painted. Grateful for the hotrod guy opposite pointing out I should unmask them before the paint fully cures to get a crisp line!:
Lookin’ like a lagoon:
A long day spent finishing prep work on the van upper, sanding the roof, front panel and filling some last minute pinholes. Mammoth task of masking up the van, but finally got it into paint late afternoon:
Finished fine sanding the lower half of the van, followed by a load more masking up. I’m surprised at how time consuming masking is, taking a good couple of hours to mask the whole van. Painted the van lower and engine lid (intended to paint this with the rest of the doors but had nowhere to hang it). Grabbed some early evening snaps, pleased as punch with the results, and off home for a curry.
I’m having a few days off this week to recover. I ran out of time/energy to do the engine bay so that still needs painting, then I should be onto to the rebuild!