Here she is in full colour! To say I’m chuffed would be an understatement. All of that hard work has finally paid off.
After 3 years of cutting, grinding, welding, sanding, painting and various other skills I’ve never done before the van is finally in her final coat of paint! I’ve gone far beyond what I originally planned to do but hopefully the results speak for themselves. To say I’m pleased would be an understatement. We’re a way off being on the road but this was a huge step for us.
I don’t think I’ve ever worked so hard over 4 days, and pulled 2 14 hour days, a 13 and a 12 to get it done. I’ll upload some progress pictures later. And rest.
Keeping up the momentum. Cab door inner bottoms into Neptune blue. Glad I stuck with the original colour. Four days off now to paint everything else. See you on the other side
Door inners into pastel white tonight! Pretty sure the inners now look better than the outers did before I started.
And started wet sanding the rear of the van down.

Long panels on the van re-primed (much happier with the arch profile on the N/S now). And started the final rub down.
Another long weekend spend sanding sodding filler again! I’ve had to correct some minor imperfections on both cab doors, the rear hatch, the sliding door, the large side panel and both rear arches (so basically the whole van!).
I’ve got some further work on the O/S rear arch to do tomorrow night then I’ll re-prime it all later in the week. I’ve got a day booked off either side of the last weekend of this month which is my target date for getting everything painted. If I’ve not got the filler and primer work perfect this time it’ll have to do as realistically I reckon that weekend will be my last chance to paint before it starts getting too cold. I’d rather have the van ready for next spring and have a few minor paint blemishes than spend another summer with the van stuck indoors!
Both cab doors and the sliding door rubbed down with 240 grit tonight.
The O/S cab door needs a dab more filler in one spot, the N/S rubbed down ok but is a little thin in areas where I’ve rubbed down to the epoxy so I’ll re-prime both doors.
The sliding door doesn’t look so great, I’m not sure why I primed it as it needs further filler work in a lot of areas. I’ll re-fill and re-prime this too.
Tomorrow’s job will be to rub down the roof and the remaining rear quarter and then that’s everything initially rubbed back. Slowly Slowly.

RAY LEY Restorations
United Kingdom
07584 629 649