Donor driver’s wheel tub all prepped and ready to weld in. Even the seat belt mount is solid.
The majority of the bulkhead is now repaired I just need to finish the top bit where the box section of the arch fits.
Iv managed to source a wheel tub body cut for the bargain price of £45 so will be looking to fit that and the arch once this is done!
Deformation panel welded in tonight and applied some seam sealer to the seams which will be tricky to get to once the front is on.
Managed to trial fit the outer skin tonight as I wasn’t convinced the inner was in the right position (it was!). Lots to finish before it goes on though.
Finished up the middle sill tonight. Warning, this video has extremely high levels of production value and features one profanity (the large bang mid way through was my rear arch repairs falling over).
Zinc primed all of the chassis bits I’ve been working on. Epoxy on tomorrow then first floor pan in at the weekend! A long night made easier by fresh pizza at home from Max.
A little from this evening’s effort to fabricate a repair for this area.
Rot and previous rubbish welding chopped out:

Repair panel made up. What a pig to do! The combination of a curved section and slight bend to the panel made this quite tricky to get right. There is also a dip in the panel on one side as it approaches the torsion bar. For that bit I had to weld an extra piece to the panel (I could’ve made the panel bigger and just bent it, but I’d already cut it down to size).Should do the job.

Trial fitted to the chassis,

Heres the dipped section (sorry about the image quality). It’s not a perfect match for the original but should be a neat repair:

Got some paint on it tonight so should be able to mastic it tomorrow night and weld in Friday. Hoping to get the O/S outriggers in soon once these repairs are done.

RAY LEY Restorations
United Kingdom
07584 629 649