The last few months have shot past and I don’t seem to have made a great deal of progress! The van is completely stripped down now and on the jig, however my attempts to roll it over recently haven’t filled me with confidence. It feels very heavy as it comes over, and as such I’m now in the process of removing the pop-top. I wanted to avoid this if possible as it was only fitted a short while back, but I’d rather do this safely than conveniently (hopefully it shouldn’t be too bad to fit the pop-top as the canvas has already been cut to size). The list of panels that need work is increasing too (not too surprising!). To name a few (I’d be here a while listing it all!):
Front panel
Deformation panel
Parts of the Cab floor
Battery trays
Front/Rear arches
Hopefully my next post will be with the damn thing rolled over and me having started on the chassis work.