A super productive few days on the rear of the van over the weekend. The only bit that really needs filler is the weld for the new N/S corner repair (the other side got a complete corner):

O/S corner and rear bare metalled (I dragged the van into the yard to enjoy the sun, but I quickly got too warm). The corner had a slight dent on the bulge line which got fillered too:

N/S corner filler work complete. I’m definitely improving at the filler stage, this only took a few skims to get right (Wayne’s van in the background getting in on the action):

Dragged back into the workshop and all masked up:

And 2 coats of epoxy primer 🙂

Nice and smooth where the weld is:

I’ll need to revisit these areas though. The welds for the battery tray are showing as high spots (not sure how I missed these!). I think I’ll just need to grind them down and apply a skim of filler: