Entries by Jim Ley

Middle sill welded together and mostly ground down. Just need to plug weld to the inner sill and it’s done (I never want to do a middle sill repair again!). 

Started the front end strip down while I slowly weld the middle sill in. A few bolts missing but mostly there!

Sliding Door Faffing

I spent most of tonight making sure I was happy with the sliding door fit before I commit to welding it in. I found an old picture of the door and it’s never been a perfect fit, and probably never will, but I can live with that (the gap at the front is slightly larger […]

I’m beyond happy today. Max and I trial fitted the door to the middle sill today and it only bloody fits! I’ve been so worried about this bit so it’s great to see the door sitting reasonably well. Now just to weld the track in. 

I got the N/S inner sill, and rear of the middle sill in epoxy mastic last night as I won’t be able to paint these areas once they’re welded in. While I had the spray equipment out I gave the front arches a coat of it too as again I won’t be able to paint […]

N/S Middle Sill – Part 3 – Not too far now!

The middle sill has by far been the biggest pain in the arse on the van thus far as so little of the original was left so I’ve had to make new sections and trial fit it to the van countless times (I’m still not sure if the door will fit correctly, I’ll only know […]

Etched outside and zinc primed inside of wheel tub repair. Fabricated and etched some closing panels for the three holes the Brazilian floor has which I’ve no use for.

Finished welding in and dressed the welds on the front of the O/S rear tub tonight.

Rainy days

I took a break from the middle sill today as it was getting me down.  Rust treated and zinc primed the underside of the door threshold piece (centre section left bare so I can get some etchweld on it instead): And made a first pass of the welding on the O/S rear tub repair (this […]

N/S Middle sill – Part 2 – Headscratching

Having cut away the rot there isn’t a huge amount left on the original middle sill. I’ve managed to keep the curved bit which the new panel doesn’t have so hopefully I’ll be able to make this work (I have to really as I’m not going to find another original middle sill anytime soon). You […]