Bulge section of the a pillars repaired today. Bare metalled and zinc primed the inside of the inner valance. Epoxy mastic on it all tomorrow morning including the front and def panel and I’m just about there with the front end.
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Entries by Jim Ley
Driver’s door re-hung and both A pillar lips repaired. I just need to make up some small repairs for the bulge section on both pillars and they’re done. Also zinc primed the inner windscreen panel, hoping to epoxy everything over the weekend ready for the front panel.
A pillars reattached to the inner valance, and deformation trial fitted to check it fits. N/S Cab door back on so I can repair the a pillar lip for the front panel (last repairs before I can get the front and def panels back on!)
The inner valance is now in! The kick panel gets plug welded to the top of it, and chassis legs seam welded to the back. Solid as a rock now.
Max and I finished prepping the inner valance ready to weld in tomorrow.
I’ve just about finished repairing the surrounding metal work, ready for the inner valance to go in. This was the only chassis leg that needed any repairs. Now just to get some paint inside them and prep the inner valance
Inner valance – part 1
Another busy week on the van. I’ve finished up the welding on the kick panel lip that joins to the inner valance and punched the holes for welding it to the valance. It looks much better now. I just need to clean up the welds: The old inner valance has been chopped out to reveal […]
Another repair to the front end (welds need dressing yet), and started shaping up the next piece (the rusty template in the background). This panel is starting to look a bit more solid now!
More fabrication and welding today. Replicated the pressing where the chassis rail sits too! All of these sections are oversized so I can trim down once they’re all done.
Next bit of the rusty puzzle cut out and the repair tacked in place (lots of fiddling around to get this repair to fit right).
RAY LEY Restorations
United Kingdom
07584 629 649