Since getting the van back on the road last month I’ve slowed down a huge amount with getting bits done on it. I’ve just been enjoying driving it again and having my evenings back. I definitely needed it, but at the same time it’s been a bit of a shock to the system to be honest; feeling a bit lost most evenings. I found this picture from this time last year which just shows how much I got done over 12 months, from a welded up rolling shell to road worthy:
I have however started making some progress on the interior.
Realised I’d forgotten to connect the cold air drain hose. A washing machine pipe from Wickes was the perfect fit:
Got the bed boards and foam in so we can at least sleep in the van:
Made up some membranes for the cab doors to keep the water out:
Fitted the madmatz carpet set to the cab area. I’ve left the cab carpet and kick panels for now as I’m waiting for it to rain again to see if I’ve fixed the leaky windscreen before putting them in:
And I think we’re decided on the fabrics we’ll be using on the upholstry:
Im hoping to start the upholstery next month.