I’ve made a huge amount of progress over the last few days. With all the fiddly bits out of the way, fitting the arch and tub seemed to go really quickly.
With the arch tacked to the A and B pillars I fitted the tub by clamping it to the lip that it folds over and pinning it to the wheel arch and bulkhead (note the scissor jack between the chassis rail and arch to push it out a little to line up with the door better):
Double check the gaps again, and then start welding it in. Staggering the welds to avoid it getting too hot:
And all welded in and dressed. Looks good again!
I’ve removed the later style seat runner and will be fitting a new Butty’s bits runner which will allow me to keep my early style seats.
I’ve made a start on the cab floor area my side too. The chassis rails are solid and the strengthening plate looks perfect (I had to make a new one for the passenger side as it was rusting away) so I’ve just cleaned it up and zinc primed it all.
I’ll epoxy mastic it in the week and then look to get the floor in shortly after. Then that’ll be the front end entirely done!
I’ve a healthy pile of scrap to take to the tip this week too